Rectangle into Squares ( 6 kyu )


The drawing below gives an idea of how to cut a given “true” rectangle into squares (“true” rectangle meaning that the two dimensions are different).

alternative text

Can you translate this drawing into an algorithm?

You will be given two dimensions

a positive integer length (parameter named lng)
a positive integer width (parameter named wdth)

You will return an array with the size of each of the squares.

Shell bash returns a string.

sqInRect(5, 3) should return [3, 2, 1, 1]
sqInRect(3, 5) should return [3, 2, 1, 1]

너비와 높이가 주어지면 안에 들어갈 수 있는 정사각형의 변의 길이를 배열로 담아 리턴


function sqInRect(lng, wdth){
  if ( lng === wdth ) return null;
  let result = [];
  while ( lng > 0 && wdth > 0 ) {
    if ( lng > wdth ) {
      lng = lng - wdth;
    } else {
      wdth = wdth - lng
  return result;

lng, wdth중 큰 값에서 작은값을 빼면서 결과에 추가하는 방법으로 반복

다른 사람의 풀이

function sqInRect(lng, wdth){
  let arr = []
  if(lng === wdth) return null
  while(lng > 0 && wdth > 0){
    arr.push(lng > wdth ? wdth : lng)
    lng > wdth ? lng -= wdth : wdth -= lng
  return arr

똑같이 풀었는데 삼항 연산자를 잘 사용한 풀이

'자료구조, 알고리즘 > Codewars 문제' 카테고리의 다른 글

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