What is the growth? ( 6 kyu )
Write the function getGrowth(), which accepts an arbitrary number of comma separated integers and returns the difference between each subsequent and previous number in the series, as a string.
The function must return a string value where each “growth instance” is separated by a comma followed by a space character.
Example 1:
getGrowth(1, 2, 3) // returns the string: "1 (+0, +0%), 2 (+1, +100%), 3 (+1, +50%)"
배열이 들어오면 이전값과 비교해서 변화를 적어 리턴하는 문제
function getGrowth(...args){
let result = `${args[0]} (+0, +0%), `;
for ( let i = 1; i < args.length; i++ ) {
if ( args[i]-args[i-1] >= 0 ) {
result += `${args[i]} (+${args[i]-args[i-1]}, +${Math.round((args[i]-args[i-1])/args[i-1]*100)}%), `
} else {
result += `${args[i]} (${args[i]-args[i-1]}, ${Math.round((args[i]-args[i-1])/args[i-1]*100)}%), `
return result.slice(0, result.length-2);
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