Integer depth ( 6 kyu )
The depth of an integer n is defined to be how many multiples of n it is necessary to compute before all 10 digits have appeared at least once in some multiple.
let see n=42
Multiple value digits comment
42*1 42 2,4
42*2 84 8 4 existed
42*3 126 1,6 2 existed
42*4 168 - all existed
42*5 210 0 2,1 existed
42*6 252 5 2 existed
42*7 294 9 2,4 existed
42*8 336 3 6 existed
42*9 378 7 3,8 existed
Looking at the above table under digits column you can find all the digits from 0 to 9, Hence it required 9 multiples of 42 to get all the digits. So the depth of 42 is 9. Write a function named computeDepth which computes the depth of its integer argument.Only positive numbers greater than zero will be passed as an input.
몇까지 곱했을 때 0부터 9까지 나오는지 구하는 문제
function computeDepth (x){
let result = '', count =1
while ( [ Set(result)].length < 10 ) {
result += x*count;
return count-1;
Set을 이용해 중복을 제거해 length로 10이 될때까지 반복문을 돌며 count
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