Throwing Darts ( 6 kyu )


You’ve just recently been hired to calculate scores for a Dart Board game!

Scoring specifications:

0 points - radius above 10
5 points - radius between 5 and 10 inclusive
10 points - radius less than 5
If all radiuses are less than 5, award 100 BONUS POINTS!

Write a function that accepts an array of radiuses (can be integers and/or floats), and returns a total score using the above specification.

An empty array should return 0.


scoreThrows( [1, 5, 11] )    =>  15
scoreThrows( [15, 20, 30] )  =>  0
scoreThrows( [1, 2, 3, 4] )  =>  140

다트 점수내기, 4발 던져서 1,2,3,4에 넣으면 100점추가


function scoreThrows(radiuses){
  let point = [], result = 0;
  for ( let i of radiuses ) {
    if ( i < 5 ) {
      result += 10;
    } else if ( i >=5 && i <= 10 ) {
      result += 5;
  if ( [ Set(point)].length === 4 && radiuses.length === 4 ) result += 100
  return result;

케이스를 많이 나눠 생각했는데 테스트케이스가 얼마 없어서 의미가 없어짐

다른 사람의 풀이

function scoreThrows(a){
 var result = a.reduce(function(p,c){
   return p + (c <5 ? 10 : c > 10 ? 0 : 5);
 },0) ;
 return result/a.length===10?result+100:result;

간단하게 푼 풀이

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